Essays & Lectures


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Here are some recent articles and essays authored or co-authored by James Forest:

“A Framework for Analyzing the Future Threat of WMD Terrorism” (article published in the Winter 2012 issue of the Journal of Strategic Security)

Global Trends in Kidnapping by Terrorist Groups” (article published in Fall 2012 issue of Global Change, Peace and Security)

Political Violence and the Illicit Economies of West Africa” (article co-authored with Vanda Felbab Brown, published in the November 2012 issue of Terrorism & Political Violence)

Confronting the Terrorism of Boko Haram in Nigeria (Monograph published by Joint Special Operations University Press, May 2012)

Speech on Crime and Terror Pipelines delivered at the June 2012 Summit sponsored by the US Dept. of State and UK Ministry of the Interior

Perception Challenges Faced by Al-Qaeda on the Battlefield of Influence Warfare” (Article published in April 2012 issue of Perspectives on Terrorism)

Ungoverned Territories: Engaging Local Nongovernmental Entities in U.S. Security Strategy” (Article published in July 2011 issue of the NATO journal Atlantic Perspective)

Terrorism as Product of Choices and Perceptions” (Essay written for the 2009 CATO Institute conference on counterterrorism)

Terrorism and Political Violence in Africa: Contemporary Trends in a Shifting Terrain” (Article co-authored with Jenifer Giroux, published in August 2011 issue of Perspectives on Terrorism)

“Exploiting the Fears of Al Qaida’s Leadership“, The Sentinel Vol. 2, No. 2 (February, 2009)

Al-Qaeda’s Influence in Sub-Saharan Africa: Myths, Realities and Possibilities” (Article published in August 2011 issue of Perspectives on Terrorism)

Catastropic Ideologies” (Essay written for the Fund for Peace “Threat Convergence Summit”)


Some recent scholarly journal activity:

Special Issue of Perspectives on Terrorism, on Terrorist Group Decision-Making (Guest Editor: J. Forest)

Special Issue of Terrorism and Political Violence, on Intersections of Crime and Terror (Guest Editor: J. Forest)

“Influence Warfare and Modern Terrorism,” Georgetown Journal of International Affairs Vol. 10, No. 1 (Winter/Spring, 2009), p. 81-90.

“AFRICOM: Troubled Infancy, Promising Future,” Contemporary Security Policy Vol. 30, No. 1 (April, 2009). Co-authored with Rebecca Crispin.

“The Modern Terrorist Threat to Aviation Security,” Perspectives on Terrorism 6 (January 4, 2008).

“The Democratic Disadvantage in the Strategic Communications Battlespace.” Democracy and Security, Vol. 2, No. 1 (Winter 2005), p. 73-102